When you have a shared Internet hosting account, the provider handles maintenances, updates and backups, but this isn't the case with virtual and dedicated servers. If you need an independent machine because a shared package deal does not provide enough resources to support your web programs or you simply just require certain custom software to be running on the machine and it's not present within the shared one, you may not have much choice as to what type of hosting you can take advantage of. While this won't be an issue in the event that you have practical knowledge, you may experience issues if you've never had a hosting server of your own. That's the reason why we offer a Managed Services solution that you can include to your hosting server package at any time. It includes various things like weekly backups, Operating System updates and installation of third-party apps, so you won't have to spend time and efforts on such matters.
Managed Services Package in VPS Servers
You can purchase the Managed Services upgrade for any one of our VPS server packages either during the signup procedure or afterwards via your billing account if you require it. You could also choose if you will do this just once and not renew the upgrade the following month or if you'll employ the service for as long as you use the VPS given that quite a lot of things are included. As an example, if you set up some software on the server and something goes wrong, we will be able to restore everything the way it was simply because the Managed Services pack includes regular backups of the entire virtual private server. Also, our admins shall keep track of the hosting server and the processes going on it, so they can restart it when necessary. They could also set up any third-party app that you require or troubleshoot a script program that does not run properly. They'll also make certain that your virtual private server performs as well as possible as they will update the OS with the latest security updates that are released.
Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers
If you add this package to any one of the Linux dedicated web hosting plans we offer, you'll be able to use the most potent sort of hosting even if you have no preceding working experience given that our administrators can aid you with just about any task. You'll be able to do this when you sign up or through your billing area later and you can choose if you will keep the upgrade at all times or if you will add it just when you need it. The Managed Services bundle features 50 Gigabytes of backup space on an individual hosting server, so we can restore your info if something breaks down after a software update, for instance. Our administrators will update the Operating System that you have selected for the machine, thus you shall have stable and secure software environment at all times. They'll also keep an eye on the server 24/7 and restart it if required. Last, but not least, they are able to assist you to set up or troubleshoot any app from a third-party company in case you experience any difficulties, so you can get qualified help and a quick resolution as opposed to wasting time and efforts yourself.