There are different ways to get in touch with the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you’ll invariably find regardless of which company you pick is a trouble ticket system. It’s the least complicated communication method for several reasons. In case no help desk team member is free at the moment and they are all occupied, a telephone call may not be answered, but a ticket will always be received. Plus, you can copy ‘n’ paste extensive pieces of info without having to worry about typographical mistakes, and if a particular problem needs more time to be resolved or a number of replies have to be exchanged, all the info will be in the exact same location, so each party can always see the comments provided by the other one. The downside of using tickets to contact your hosting company is that they are often separate from the web hosting platform, which implies that if you have to provide info or to follow guidelines, you’ll have to use at least 2 separate systems and this number could increase if you’d like to administer a couple of domain names. Also, a lot of web hosting providers reply to tickets after several hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a client, this simply means wasted time whilst awaiting an answer.
Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Website Hosting
With a shared website hosting from us, you’ll never have to sign out of your account. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire web presence. You can seamlessly access any trouble ticket while you are browsing your files or customizing different settings. The ticketing system is being monitored 24-7-365 by our support staff and the ticket response time is maximum sixty minutes, but it seldom takes more than twenty minutes to get help. In stark contrast with some hosting companies, we do not charge more for using the ticketing system, so you can contact us as often as you need and ask for information relating to any billing or technical problem. In addition, you can see a selection of help articles, which will help you resolve the most commonly met obstacles yourself.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all our semi-dedicated hosting plans, was developed with one goal in mind – that you should be able to manage everything connected to your account from one place and the support tickets are not an exception. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so, if you’ve got a question or bump into a difficulty, you can get in touch with our customer service staff momentarily without the need to sign into an entirely different interface. You can browse through your files or check a variety of settings within your account while you post a new ticket or read the response to an old one. In case you have an abundance of tickets and you want to find a particular one, you can resort to the intelligent search functionality, which is available in the Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel. We guarantee that you will get a response within the hour regardless of the essence of your inquiry or issue.