There are numerous ways to point a domain address to a different domain or subdomain and one of them is by setting up a CNAME record. In case you own a domain name and you have created a site using some online service which provides you with a service subdomain, you could easily link the two by creating a CNAME record for that redirects to What you are going to achieve in this way is that will be in the browser address bar while it opens the already mentioned site from the servers of the third-party provider. It is essential to know that if you set up a CNAME record, any other records your domain name may have will stop functioning, so you can't have both a CNAME record directing to one provider and working email addresses with another one. The CNAME record is always an alpha string, not a number, and in some cases further configuration may be necessary with the other provider.
CNAME Records in Shared Website Hosting
Setting up a CNAME record using our shared website hosting plans is extremely easy. Our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel has a section devoted to the DNS records of your domain names, so you can set up a new CNAME record for any domain or subdomain hosted inside your account in a couple of easy steps. You will find a video tutorial inside the same section in which you can see the process first-hand. This feature will give you a variety of possibilities - if you build a company site on our end, for instance, the employees can use their e-mails with the company domain name, not with the address of our mail server. If you choose to set up a site using a different company that offers online web design services, you can easily redirect a domain hosted here and use it for the site. Last, but not least, in case you have an online store and you have a billing system for and/or an SSL certificate, you may create a CNAME record for the www subdomain and direct it to the main domain address, so all your visitors are going to be forwarded to a secure URL.
CNAME Records in Semi-dedicated Servers
You will be able to set up, modify and delete CNAME records really easy with any of our semi-dedicated server plans. The accounts are controlled using the custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel, and in one of its sections you will see all records for any domain or subdomain you have added in your account. To set up a new record, you only need to choose the hostname which will be forwarded (domain/subdomain), type in where it is going to be forwarded to, pick the record type, which will be CNAME in this case, and you will be all set. In case you haven't used a web hosting service before, our Control Panel is incredibly intuitive to use, so you'll not have any troubles. We also have a short video and a detailed help article regarding how to set up a CNAME record, both of which could be found in the same section of Hepsia. With this feature, you can easily use a domain name hosted on our cutting edge cloud hosting platform for a site created someplace else, create a custom webmail login address with any of your domain addresses, and a lot more.