An auto-responder e-mail is a message which is sent back immediately to everybody who sends an email to an email address with this feature enabled. The senders will get the automatic reply the instant their e-mails are received and you'll not need to do anything manually. A couple of instances of using auto-responder messages are sending a confirmation that a transaction is received and also the order is being prepared or that an individual is on holiday and will not be around for a specific time period. In the first case the function can be activated for a long time, whilst in the second one it is temporary. Even if you work with an e-mail address simply for private correspondence, you can use an auto-responder to let the other side know that their e-mail has been received successfully.
Auto-responder Emails in Shared Website Hosting
Creating an auto-responder email will take you just a couple of clicks if you work with a shared website hosting plan from our company. This can be done via the Emails section of our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel where you could see your mailboxes listed in alphabetical order. You may either choose an email address and click the auto-responder button or just right-click and select the feature in the context menu which will pop up. All you have to do will be to type in the text which you want to be sent as the automated reply and save the modification. You'll be able to enter any text you need and modifying or disabling the auto-responder feature can be just as easy. In the very same section of the Control Panel you'll be able to check which mail accounts have the option active and which don't.
Auto-responder Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you use a semi-dedicated server plan to host your domains with our company, you will be able to easily activate the auto-responder function for any of the email addresses that you make inside the account. You can do this from the Emails part of our easy to use Hepsia Hosting Control Panel where you can view a list of all of your mailboxes. A little icon will show you which has an active auto-responder and which does not. To create, edit or remove a message, click the matching icon for the specific e-mail, type in the text that you want to use, save the changes and you will be all set. If you choose multiple e-mail addresses, you can activate or disable the feature for them in bulk, with as little efforts.