SPF, which stands for Sender Policy Framework, is an e-mail protection system, which is designed to verify whether an e-mail message is sent by a licensed server. Employing SPF protection for a particular domain name will prevent the faking of email addresses generated with the domain. In layman's terms: enabling this attribute for a domain name generates a particular record in the Domain Name System (DNS) which contains the IP of the servers that are allowed to send emails from mail boxes under the domain. As soon as this record propagates globally, it will exist on all the DNS servers that route the Internet traffic. Every time an email message is sent, the first DNS server it goes through tests if it originates from an approved server. When it does, it is forwarded to the destination address, but when it does not come from a server part of the SPF record for the domain, it is rejected. In this way nobody will be able to mask an email address to make it appear as if you're e-mailing spam messages. This technique is also called email spoofing.
SPF Protection in Shared Website Hosting
SPF protection can be enabled for any domain hosted in a shared website hosting account on our cloud platform with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks. The function is available in the Emails section of our modern Hepsia Control Panel and all it takes to activate it is to pick one of your domain names from the drop-down menu and enter the hostnames along with the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses of the mail servers which will be approved to send emails from your email addresses. As an added option you can even restrict the email messages to be sent from your domain only when it includes our MX records, in other words when our servers manage the emails for it, not a third-party provider. This option gives you the best degree of security, but it's not applicable in case only your website is on our servers while the e-mail addresses for the domain are taken care of in a different place. Either way, our SPF protection service will keep your email addresses safe from being used for spam and/or scam purposes.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers
The SPF protection attribute is featured with all of the semi-dedicated hosting plans, so when you host your domains in an account on our cloud website hosting platform, you're able to use this particular service with ease for all of your domains. The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with the semi-dedicated accounts, offers a very intuitive interface, so you won't need to be tech-savvy in order to protected your emails. You will only need to type the hostname and the IP of each mail server that you would like to be certified to send out e-mails from your addresses and shortly after that the updated record will be active for the domain that you've picked. As an extra option, we will also allow you to limit your outgoing email messages and protect your mailboxes even better by allowing emails to be sent only if the domain in question has our MX records i.e. the e-mail messages for the domain name need to be taken care of on our end and not by another provider. By doing this you'll get even superior control and there won't be a chance for anybody to fake your email addresses for harmful activities.