Memcached is a famous distributed memory object caching system, which can enhance the loading speed and the overall performance of your Internet sites considerably in case they use an API or a database. This is accomplished by caching the requests to the database/API and the replies that are delivered, so if someone searches for a certain product on your site, for instance, the database won’t have to be accessed to return the results and the whole procedure will be carried out considerably quicker. This goes for all sorts of database-driven applications and not only for shopping portals, since every time a specific web page is opened, the application sends a database query to fetch the content that should be displayed. With Memcached, not only will your website load considerably faster, but it will also generate much less load. If any content in the database is changed, the cached responses will also be updated, so the website visitors won’t see any out-of-date information.
Memcached in Shared Website Hosting
The Memcached memory caching system is offered as an upgrade with each and every shared website hosting plan that we are offering and you’ll be able to begin using it once you add it, as the PHP extension that it needs in order to work properly is already available on our leading-edge cloud website hosting platform. You can order the upgrade from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is available with each and every shared hosting package and a brand new section where you can administer Memcached will appear. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the instances and the amount of system memory, so as to offer you more flexibility. The first one refers to the number of the Internet sites which can use Memcached, whereas the second one, which is available in increments of 16 megabytes, indicates the maximum size of the content that the system can cache. A frequently visited website with a large-size database may require more memory in order to take an even greater advantage of Memcached, so in case you would like to upgrade this service, you’ll be able to do it at any given moment with a few clicks of the mouse.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can get the Memcached content caching system as an optional upgrade with all our semi-dedicated hosting plans and since it works with any script-based application, you can use it for every website that you host on our servers, irrespective of what application you have used – Joomla, Mambo or WordPress, a custom one, etc. You can order the upgrade via the respective section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel from which you manage your semi-dedicated account, and you can select two separate things – the instances and the amount of memory that they will use. In simple terms, these things define the number of the websites that will use the Memcached system and how much memory the system will be able to use in order to cache your information. The two features are ordered separately for more flexibility and one instance does not come bundled with a particular amount of system memory. You can make the most of Memcached with any kind of site and both you and the website visitors will quickly spot the difference in the overall performance.
Memcached in VPS Servers
You will get Memcached with any of the VPS server packages that we are offering in case you pick Hepsia as your Control Panel and you will be able to activate the distributed memory caching platform via the Control Panel section with the exact same name. The configuration requires a few clicks and you’ll detect the difference in the performance of your sites almost momentarily. The amount of system memory that Memcached can employ to cache information depends on the given Virtual Private Server hosting plan that you have picked, but in any case it won’t be less than several hundred MB, which is quite enough even for several resource-heavy Internet sites. You can use the Memcached platform with Internet sites driven by WordPress, Joomla or any other Internet app and reduce the load on your virtual machine, which will allow you to continue using the current VPS package rather than migrating to a more powerful one, since you simply won’t need it. Memcached is already being used by famous websites such as Wikipedia, Zynga and Reddit, which is a confirmation of its efficiency.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
Each dedicated server ordered with our Hepsia Control Panel comes with Memcached pre-installed by default, so you can start using this object caching system once your server is assembled, without needing to upgrade or install anything. The amount of memory that Memcached can use depends on the very server that you have picked, but as our servers are very powerful and given the fact that it’s likely that you will host resource-demanding websites on them, the minimum amount of memory that the caching system can use will be three gigabytes. This will allow you to optimize the overall performance of very popular websites with no effort and you will observe the difference soon after the Memcached caching system starts caching database calls. You can take full advantage of the caching system with any database-driven portal, including those based on popular Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Joomla.