If you want for powerful domain name administration possibilities and exceptional domain names registration costs you have reached the best place. Look into Hosting.bz Web Hosting Domain Names’s video presentation to find out what Hosting.bz Web Hosting Domain Names can offer for your domain names.

Hosting.bz Web Hosting Domain Names offers over 50 different domain name extensions, or TLDs, at cost–effective price points. For most of them, we have a direct arrangement together with the organization, in charge of that TLD, which enables us to provide extremely low domain name registration rates. Additionally, since we are in direct connection with the domain registrar, all alterations you are making for your domain names are going to pass on worldwide much faster.

For the purpose of domain managing, we have developed a specific domain management tool – Hosting.bz Web Hosting Domain Names’s Domain Names Manager. It’s an integral section of the Web Site Control Panel and it allows you to gracefully maintain numerous domain names at once. It’s also full of useable tools, for instance a domain name redirection tool, a GeoIP redirection service and others. And since the Domain Manager belongs to our Control Panel, when you have your web site hosted here, you can handle both your domain names and then your web sites within the same place, without any other panels.

When you operate a online store, or if you want to simply create yet another safety degree for your personal web site, we’ve just the thing for you – SSL Services. You could get an SSL certificate from our Control Panel and then we may also install it automatically for one’s sites. You no longer require to visit 3rd party providers and then grapple with the SSL certificate installing and configuration.

As a possible extra security level for one’s domain names, additionally we provide a Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection service. Using the Whois Privacy Protection service, we are going to mask your own personal info from the domain name’s Whois. This tremendously decreases the probability for cyber theft and it also decreases the quantity of spam emails you can get in your Whois–associated mailbox.
