Boost your site by deploying a US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plan.

If you find out that your cloud hosting account is not anymore a decent solution for your own online presence, however a dedicated server costs too much and too complex to control, then you could take advantage of our US semi–dedicated servers.

A semi-dedicated hosting plan is really an extraordinary combination from a shared website hosting account and a Linux dedicated web hosting plan , which offers the best of both platforms. It offers the strength of a dedicated server (minus the frequent server administration duties), wrapped in a user–friendly Web Site Control Panel , which is bundled with all of our cloud hosting plans at signup.

And because of their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers can be found only in the USA datacenter. It was actually the initial data center at which we have been in a position to deploy our custom–made cloud hosting platform and it provides unrivaled power and cooling options. We also have created a specialized internal network using enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is why, we can easily assure a 99.9% network uptime with our US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plans

One of the main features of our US semi–dedicated servers is the Web Hosting Domain Names Web Site Control Panel. It is bundled absolutely free with all semi–dedicated servers and is designed to run in the cloud. In this manner, we free your server from having to power the Control Panel and your websites all at once. You can use the full server energy just for your websites. And also, the Web Site Control Panel is bundled with free tools and add–ons that will optimize your online presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our USA datacenter features a great deal of web hosting options for all clients based on the web sites and web applications they need to accommodate. You will find US Located Shared Website Hosting for anybody who would like to host a personal blog, portfolio or maybe an online store. Web Hosting Domain Names’s cloud hosting packages have a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and also a academy domain name for just $40.99. If you wish to build a development environment or you do require extra quotas for your online presence, then you can select our US Located VPS Web Hosting Plans. Our Virtual Private Servers come with a choice of Control Panels and feature extra efficient NVMe disks. In case you want a new home for a extremely popular web site or a very CPU requiring web app, you can pick any of our US Located Dedicated Web Hosting Plans. They have trustworthy hardware setup and offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.